I'm not jealous because you have him
I'm jealous because there's no reason it's not me
I'm jealous because it's never me
That all of this happens to other people, not me
I'm not jealous because he's not madly in love with me
I'm jealous because they have each other and I have no one
And it makes me sick to think of all the people
Sharing things I'll never share
I'm not jealous because you have what I want
I'm jealous because you're happy with what you have
I don't really care that he doesn't like me
I care because I think of my future
And I see myself, ending up like the spinster down the road
Who's successful in everything but love
And she comforts herself with the thought that men are just scared by her success
I'm even jealous of her
Not because I want her life
God, fuck no
Because I want her ability to make excuses
I have no excuse other than natural selection
Which decided that whatever genes make me as unattractive to men as a vasectomy
Should never be added to the gene pool
I'm jealous because there's no reason it's not me
I'm jealous because it's never me
That all of this happens to other people, not me
I'm not jealous because he's not madly in love with me
I'm jealous because they have each other and I have no one
And it makes me sick to think of all the people
Sharing things I'll never share
I'm not jealous because you have what I want
I'm jealous because you're happy with what you have
I don't really care that he doesn't like me
I care because I think of my future
And I see myself, ending up like the spinster down the road
Who's successful in everything but love
And she comforts herself with the thought that men are just scared by her success
I'm even jealous of her
Not because I want her life
God, fuck no
Because I want her ability to make excuses
I have no excuse other than natural selection
Which decided that whatever genes make me as unattractive to men as a vasectomy
Should never be added to the gene pool
There was silence for many minutes.. Sassprilla's good for the blood this time er year, an' strawberry's good any time. He went home, dreamt that he had lost all his suits --he was a lawyer--and then complained to me about it.. There was something cosmic about his attitude to life, and this showed in much that he did.. By means of it you secure the assurance that you have not begotten a child, or, what amounts to the same thing, that you have killed a child.. If the chain of associations be followed up which proceeds from one element of the dream one is soon led back to another of its elements.. The wealth of detail, the infinite care never to let anything pass unexplained, with which he presented to the public the result of his investigations, are impressing more and more serious-minded scientists, but the examination of his evidential data demands arduous work and presupposes an absolutely open mind.. It was obviously financial considerations which had moved the lady to refuse the proposal of the directress, and which were answerable for the triviality of the amount in the dream.. And there she is now, living in an elegant house, and riding in her carriage, and dressing and dashing, and giving parties, and enjoying life, as she calls it.. In this case the locality is always the genital organ of the mother; it can indeed be asserted with such certainty of no other locality that one has been there before.. If, in addition to our knowledge, we wish to be contented with a minimum perfectly established, we shall say that the dream gives us proof that the suppressed, material continues to exist even in the normal person and remains capable of psychic activity.. One youngster made a political speech from the top of the table; another impersonated Hamlet; and finally Elder Brown was lifted into a chair, and sang a camp-meeting song.. Twenty-eight dinners at half a dollar makes fourteen dollars, don't it? Jes' so.. He opened it in the fewest possible words, and said other gentlemen were present who would entertain them better than he.. This identification with the brother shows with special clearness that the little one signifies the genital.. Buller; I want no more sailing after a horse, and, besides, we can't go on the lake with that boat; she has been battered about so much that she must have opened a dozen seams.. On inquiry if there way no provision for females , my friend called my attention to this remarkable psychological fact, namely: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A FEMALE PUNSTER.. Oh, you poor, dear, silly children! my wife cried, as Mrs.. At midnight they came home delightedly: Polly, as I said, wild to tell me the story of victory; only both the pretty Walton girls said: Cousin Frederic, you did not come near me all the evening.. If I spoke, it should be to say children should take hold of the prongs of the forks and the blades of the knives.
3:45 AM
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